Cristian Bassa – FORWARD MARCH
Photos, text, design: Cristian Bassa
Editors: Ana-Cristina Irian, Philip Charrier
Publishing house: Editura Omnia Photo, 2021
ISBN 978-606-94598-3-6
Photos, text, design: Cristian Bassa
Editors: Ana-Cristina Irian, Philip Charrier
Publishing house: Editura Omnia Photo, 2021
ISBN 978-606-94598-3-6
[EN] STRATA|B is a story of a fragment of Bucharest, a time-frame and digital spaces. Back in 2014 there was a time when interactions between people and the walls of buildings in a part of the old city center were meticulously recorded. I visited these walls, or what was left of them, on a regular
Photos, text, design: Cristian Bassa
Editors: Ana-Cristina Irian, Philip Charrier
Publishing house: Editura Omnia Photo, 2019
ISBN 978-606-94598-1-2
We would like to make one thing clear from the very beginning: this is not a preface, as well as Dacia is not a mere “thing” either. Dacia is a car that people have been interacting with in different ways. In short, our discussions with the people in the “Dacia – autoturismul copilăriei” community, as