“FORWARD MARCH” photo album is part of a long – term documentary project conducted by Cristian Bassa regarding the life of young individuals making an honest living and striving to build a future for themselves in Romania.
The current book is looking at the life of Alexandru, a Romanian soldier, whose personal story and trajectory is followed by the author over a span of five years (2012-2017). Cristian Bassa visually accompanied Alexandru while on duty, at family private events and during his studies at NCO Academy.
Currently, Alexandru, the young man encountered while on duty at the Palace of the National Military Circle, is working in the human resources department of the Romanian Air Force. He is studying towards an MA in Military Applied Psychology.
Cristian Bassa is a Romanian photographer and editor living and working in Bucharest. In 2019, he published “BEAUTIFUL SUNRISE”/ Omnia Photo, the first photo-album part of the long-term documentary project.”
(please find below photos from the photobook and accompanying text)
page 8
“September, 2012 – October, 2012.
Alexandru (born 1987) enrolled in various marathons this year; he enjoys the physical exercise and the challenge of the competition. It is something very hip and trendy, very different from the exercises he performs in the army. There is an extra motivation in the cheering of the public and that of his wife. […]”page 22 “December, 2015. When Alexandru moved in with Ionela and his future in-laws he found a few deserted bee hives in the far back of the courtyard. He decided he wanted to bring back the bees to those hives and make the honey farm flourish again. Not knowing anything about beekeeping, he started to read up on the topic.”page 30 “July, 2016. The beehives are alive again under Alexandru’s care and the bees are busy gathering pollen. When he needs more information Alexandru seeks help from old beekeepers he knows. […]”page 34 “August, 2016. At the Palace of the National Military Circle in Bucharest a military ceremony is taking place. The synchronization must be perfect in front of the audience and all the television cameras. The public attention is energizing and satisfying.
Many preparations need to be made before the event, requiring patience and physical effort. The public only sees the 30-minutes outcome of this work, not the hours of preparations that precede the show. […]”page 36 “February, 2017. Alexandru is back at his grandmother’s house in Dobreni. Even though it’s approximately 50 kilometers from his home, he comes at least twice per month to repair things, chop firewood, and do other household chores. The rest of the time, his parents make sure that his grandmother has everything she needs. […]”pages 44-45 “April, 2017. Alongside his father, Alexandru is back in Dobreni to help his grandmother with the spring cleaning. He is sorting wood pallets while his father trims the vine. In the backyard shed, hiding among the firewood, there are some puppies that grandmother found and took in. […]”pages 44-45 “April, 2017. Alongside his father, Alexandru is back in Dobreni to help his grandmother with the spring cleaning. He is sorting wood pallets while his father trims the vine. In the backyard shed, hiding among the firewood, there are some puppies that grandmother found and took in. […]”page 58 “August, 2017. Alexandru is on guard duty in the National Military Museum in Bucharest, on Mircea Vulcanescu Street.
Outside the museum there are sculptures of Romanian historical figures, among them, Alexander The Good (Alexandru cel Bun), Ruler of the Romanian Principality of Moldavia (1400 – 1432). On the plaque it is written: “Such as a king, he was called the first hospodar, like a worshipped monarch. He is known as Old Alexander the Good and people are still praising his memory… He built up fortresses from old ruins and elevated his country to an orderly and flourishing powerful land (quote from Miron Costin, 1633 – 1691, Romanian chronicler).”page 62 “December, 2017. It’s a cold morning in Pitesti. The military unit is preparing for the graduation ceremony. Family and friends of the graduates gathered from all the corners of the country to see the celebratory parade. […]”
FORWARD MARCH Photos, text, design: Cristian Bassa Editors: Ana-Cristina Irian, Philip Charrier Publishing house: Editura Omnia Photo, 2021 ISBN 978-606-94598-3-6 Size: 24cm x 20cm Softcover with flaps. Color offset print on matte recycled paper. 72 pages (English text, 44 photos, limited edition print, plus something extra) First edition of 50 photobooks, signed and numbered.
The book can be ordered by email at: asociatiaomniaphoto@gmail.com. Please indicate your contact details, billing details and delivery method preferred. The funds gathered from the sales of this edition are used in full for the editing and publication of another photographic album by the association.
Unit price: 130 RON (shipping included inside Romania via Courier or Postal services, outside Romania via Postal services)
Payment is made in the account: RO11 BRDE 170S V461 1286 1700 / BRD Craiova / OMNIA PHOTO ASSOCIATION with the indication “payment photobook FM“.
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