Bucuresci/19 – București/20

[EN] Bucuresci/19 – București/20: The private lives of the city. The exhibition aims to introduce the visitor into the private lives of Bucharest, a city photographed, as Franz Duschek used to publicize –”at any time, on a shiny day or on a cloudy one”. The photographs display glimpses of lives lived by the city and its

Dorian Delureanu – The Mysteries of Craiova

[RO] În anul 2009, în urma unui teren fotografic desfășurat în centrul Băniei, Dorian Delureanu a vernisat la Palatul Jean Mihail, prima expoziție de fotografie din seria “Misterele Craiovei”. Subiectul expoziției, aparent la îndemâna oricărui vizitator al orașului, dispus să inspecteze limitele proprietăților, a constat în identificarea și fotografierea unor elemente de feronerie istorică, paznici


[EN] Analogic192021 is a long-term project dedicated to the research, digitization and promotion of analogic photography, Romanian photographic archives and collections, developed in partnership with associations and cultural institutions. The project started in 2017 with a Cocktail of centuries, event organized during Bucharest Photo Week Festival, in partnership with Paul Aioanei, Studio Ambrotipescu, and Cezar

From Foto – Omnia to OMNIA PHOTO (II)

The materials in this collection consist of black-and-white photographic prints, related documents and a photographic album created by ”Foto Omnia Craiova” Studio. The photographs were made in the 1940s and show industrial buildings façades, stations, equipment and machineries, workshops, people at work as snapped during an official visit paid to the headquarters by public officials.

From Foto – Omnia to OMNIA PHOTO (I)

Our grandparents are the two “FOTO OMNIA” photo studios active in Craiova and Bucharest during the first half of the 20th century. We are glad to share with you a group of (rare) photographs made by the old photo studios ”FOTO OMNIA” from Bucharest and Craiova, part of our photographic archive. Project is work in

Costică Acsinte from our homes / Costică Acsinte din casele noastre

[EN] „Costică Acsinte from our homes“ is a participatory photographic project implemented by Atelierele Albe Association. The project aimed to gather photographic material and organize an exhibition with photographs made by Costică Acsinte and owned by different private collectors and families from Ialomița County. The exhibition took place in Slobozia at Unesco Cultural Center „Ionel