Dorian Delureanu – The Mysteries of Craiova

[RO] În anul 2009, în urma unui teren fotografic desfășurat în centrul Băniei, Dorian Delureanu a vernisat la Palatul Jean Mihail, prima expoziție de fotografie din seria “Misterele Craiovei”. Subiectul expoziției, aparent la îndemâna oricărui vizitator al orașului, dispus să inspecteze limitele proprietăților, a constat în identificarea și fotografierea unor elemente de feronerie istorică, paznici


[EN] Analogic192021 is a long-term project dedicated to the research, digitization and promotion of analogic photography, Romanian photographic archives and collections, developed in partnership with associations and cultural institutions. The project started in 2017 with a Cocktail of centuries, event organized during Bucharest Photo Week Festival, in partnership with Paul Aioanei, Studio Ambrotipescu, and Cezar

Fântânile Olteniei – The Fountains of Oltenia (I)

The project of visual documentation and mapping of community fountains in Oltenia was initiated in 2016 by a team of photographers and anthropologists who carried out field research on a preliminary area in Dolj and Mehedinţi counties. The first part of the project was carried out in partnership with the Romanian Peasant Museum and “Mircea

Cristina Irian – Wall photography

Wall photography – What Remains – An incursion into the surface of urban murals of Bucharest city center Abstract The idea of studying city walls as both a form of urban skin in constant change and archives of recent memory has come from questions related to what remains of the decomposing process of walls’ surfaces used

Bucharest Photo Week 2017 & OMNIA PHOTO

[EN] The 4th edition of Bucharest Photo Week, one of the most important photography festivals in the capital, begins on September 11th. This year’s events will take place until September 17, in several Bucharest districts, being mostly dedicated to street and document photography as well. In addition to exhibitions and workshops, Bucharest Photo Week also