Cristian Bassa – FORWARD MARCH
Photos, text, design: Cristian Bassa
Editors: Ana-Cristina Irian, Philip Charrier
Publishing house: Editura Omnia Photo, 2021
ISBN 978-606-94598-3-6
Photos, text, design: Cristian Bassa
Editors: Ana-Cristina Irian, Philip Charrier
Publishing house: Editura Omnia Photo, 2021
ISBN 978-606-94598-3-6
(EN) The project DIALOG includes multiple events that, regardless of their form (performing arts, photography, cultural circuits and so on), will share the same thing – promoting the cultural identity of communities and diversifying the cultural offer. The project involves 4 partners, including a Norwegian partner. In the case of theater, dance and contemporary performance,
[EN] The decision of the Romanian authorities to close the markets during the second pandemic lockdown, made us wonder what would happen to the florists and to the flowers in the markets, and what would be the fate of plants and flowers in these unfortunate times when not only people suffer, but also animals and,
[EN] STRATA|B is a story of a fragment of Bucharest, a time-frame and digital spaces. Back in 2014 there was a time when interactions between people and the walls of buildings in a part of the old city center were meticulously recorded. I visited these walls, or what was left of them, on a regular
[EN] Nowadays collectors and Craiova, the city of the past Where would a photograph travel in time and what kind of place would it find to settle down, sometimes just only for a while? If fortunate enough, a photograph might become part of a collection or of an archive. If persistent, a photograph might enter
Photos, text, design: Cristian Bassa
Editors: Ana-Cristina Irian, Philip Charrier
Publishing house: Editura Omnia Photo, 2019
ISBN 978-606-94598-1-2
Producție video, copyright: Omnia Photo
[EN] Bucuresci/19 – București/20: The private lives of the city. The exhibition aims to introduce the visitor into the private lives of Bucharest, a city photographed, as Franz Duschek used to publicize –”at any time, on a shiny day or on a cloudy one”. The photographs display glimpses of lives lived by the city and its
[EN] Together with the community we celebrated 50 years of Dacia, the automobile. We proudly organized a participatory exhibition of Dacia colours and photographs of Dacia cars received from Romanian photographers, a presentation of Dacias – a classic car collection and a historical archive of documents related to the Romanian car. August 2019: The car(s)
[RO] În anul 2009, în urma unui teren fotografic desfășurat în centrul Băniei, Dorian Delureanu a vernisat la Palatul Jean Mihail, prima expoziție de fotografie din seria “Misterele Craiovei”. Subiectul expoziției, aparent la îndemâna oricărui vizitator al orașului, dispus să inspecteze limitele proprietăților, a constat în identificarea și fotografierea unor elemente de feronerie istorică, paznici