DIALOG Project – Diversity in Arts. Learning Opportunities and Growth. Test follow-up

(RO) Proiect DialogA 4 Traseu cultural performativ „Fântânile Sudului”A 4.2 Activarea circuitului cultural pilot și revitalizarea participativă a peisajului fântânilor dintr- o zonă a Olteniei, prin agenți „povestitori locali” Asociația implică direct locuitorii comunei ca agenți „povestitori culturali” ai propriului patrimoniu material și imaterial, traseul cultural performativ propunându-și să aducă beneficii culturale și socio-economice la

DIALOG Project – Diversity in Arts. Learning Opportunities and Growth. What does a fountain see?

(RO) Proiect DialogA 4 Traseu cultural performativ „Fântânile Sudului”A 4.2 Activarea circuitului cultural pilot și revitalizarea participativă a peisajului fântânilor dintr- o zonă a Olteniei, prin agenți „povestitori locali” În vizită prin lume, cu fântânile Bobiceștiului. „Ce vede o fântână” În data de 24 iunie 2021 a fost lansată la Craiova instalația video „Ce vede

DIALOG Project – Diversity in Arts. Learning Opportunities and Growth. June Workshop.

(RO) Proiect DialogA 4 Traseu cultural performativ „Fântânile Sudului”A 4.2 Activarea circuitului cultural pilot și revitalizarea participativă a peisajului fântânilor dintr- o zonă a Olteniei, prin agenți „povestitori locali” Atelier off-line și online 20 iunie 2021Atelier „de fântânit” – discuții și lecții învățateInterval orar: 11.00 a.m – 11.45 a.m În data de 20 iunie 2021

DIALOG Project – Diversity in Arts. Learning Opportunities and Growth. Guideline brochure of the drinking fountains map and related fountain customs. Bobicești, Olt.

(EN) In May 2021, within the framework of the activity A4 “Fountains of the South” a Cultural Performance Route, the Omnia Photo team completed the A4.1 sub-activity “Participatory realization of the documentary map of the public water fountains in the chosen pilot area – Bobicești Municipality, Olt County and well-related customs”.  As part of the

DIALOG Project – Diversity in Arts. Learning Opportunities and Growth. Sweeg fountains of the South. Down to the memory lane.

(EN) Sweeg fountains of the South. Down to the memory lane. “When I was a child and I saw them, there were also sweeg fountains in the fields, in the country and in the village. The name of the builder, the one who made it was written on the cross while the names of the

DIALOG Project – Diversity in Arts. Learning Opportunities and Growth. Field Map.

DIALOG Project – Diversity in Arts. Learning Opportunities and Growth (EN) Fountains of the South. Project team:Cristian Bassa, photo documentation expert, editing and communicationRoxana Deca, expert documentary ethnographer / museologist Dorian Delureanu, photo documentation expert and relations with the authoritiesCristina Irian, activity coordinator, anthropologist The map of Bobicești fountains  In 1935, Simion Mehedinți began his course

DIALOG Project – Diversity in Arts. Learning Opportunities and Growth. Field Notes.

(EN) Fountains of the South. A few field notes. The fieldwork was carried out between April 15-18, 2021 in the villages of the Bobicești municipality, Olt county.Project team:Cristian Bassa, photo documentation expert, editing and communicationRoxana Deca, expert documentary ethnographer / museologist Dorian Delureanu, photo documentation expert and relations with the authoritiesCristina Irian, activity coordinator, anthropologistThe name

DIALOG Project – Diversity in Arts. Learning Opportunities and Growth

(EN) The project DIALOG includes multiple events that, regardless of their form (performing arts, photography, cultural circuits and so on), will share the same thing – promoting the cultural identity of communities and diversifying the cultural offer.  The project involves 4 partners, including a Norwegian partner.  In the case of theater, dance and contemporary performance,

Dorian Delureanu – The Mysteries of Craiova

[RO] În anul 2009, în urma unui teren fotografic desfășurat în centrul Băniei, Dorian Delureanu a vernisat la Palatul Jean Mihail, prima expoziție de fotografie din seria “Misterele Craiovei”. Subiectul expoziției, aparent la îndemâna oricărui vizitator al orașului, dispus să inspecteze limitele proprietăților, a constat în identificarea și fotografierea unor elemente de feronerie istorică, paznici

Fântânile Olteniei – The Fountains of Oltenia (I)

The project of visual documentation and mapping of community fountains in Oltenia was initiated in 2016 by a team of photographers and anthropologists who carried out field research on a preliminary area in Dolj and Mehedinţi counties. The first part of the project was carried out in partnership with the Romanian Peasant Museum and “Mircea