DIALOG Project – Diversity in Arts. Learning Opportunities and Growth. Sweeg fountains of the South. Down to the memory lane.

(EN) Sweeg fountains of the South. Down to the memory lane. “When I was a child and I saw them, there were also sweeg fountains in the fields, in the country and in the village. The name of the builder, the one who made it was written on the cross while the names of the

DIALOG Project – Diversity in Arts. Learning Opportunities and Growth. Field Map.

DIALOG Project – Diversity in Arts. Learning Opportunities and Growth (EN) Fountains of the South. Project team:Cristian Bassa, photo documentation expert, editing and communicationRoxana Deca, expert documentary ethnographer / museologist Dorian Delureanu, photo documentation expert and relations with the authoritiesCristina Irian, activity coordinator, anthropologist The map of Bobicești fountains  In 1935, Simion Mehedinți began his course

DIALOG Project – Diversity in Arts. Learning Opportunities and Growth. June Workshop. Anunț selecție de Experți documentare și agenți culturali.

Anunț selecție de Expert documentare și agent cultural – 3 persoane și Expert local agent cultural – 3 persoane– 17 mai 2021 pentru servicii artistice de asigurare conținut pentru evenimente performative Asociația Omnia Photo, partener în cadrul proiectului „Diversity in Arts. Learning Opportunities & Growth – DIALOG”, finanțat prin Granturile SEE 2014 – 2021 în

DIALOG Project – Diversity in Arts. Learning Opportunities and Growth. Field Notes.

(EN) Fountains of the South. A few field notes. The fieldwork was carried out between April 15-18, 2021 in the villages of the Bobicești municipality, Olt county.Project team:Cristian Bassa, photo documentation expert, editing and communicationRoxana Deca, expert documentary ethnographer / museologist Dorian Delureanu, photo documentation expert and relations with the authoritiesCristina Irian, activity coordinator, anthropologistThe name

Cristian Bassa – FORWARD MARCH

“FORWARD MARCH” photo album is part of a long – term documentary project conducted by Cristian Bassa regarding the life of young individuals making an honest living and striving to build a future for themselves in Romania.The current book is looking at the life of Alexandru, a Romanian soldier, whose personal story and trajectory is


“I live in the northern area of Bucharest. Every day on my way to work I used to pass by a public transport ticket booth. Among the middle-aged vendors, I saw a young man working there, focused on his job, very quiet and seemingly out of place. During breaks between serving clients he was usually

Fântânile Olteniei – The Fountains of Oltenia (I)

The project of visual documentation and mapping of community fountains in Oltenia was initiated in 2016 by a team of photographers and anthropologists who carried out field research on a preliminary area in Dolj and Mehedinţi counties. The first part of the project was carried out in partnership with the Romanian Peasant Museum and “Mircea